Senior One Admissions are Open

We accept students who obtained up to third grade in their Primary Leaving Examination (PLE). This is because believe we have the potential to transform all grades in to desirable academic performance.The admission costs 10,000/=.

The admissions can be picked from the following admissions places;

Serere – Halcyon High School – Serere Campus

Bukedea, Kumi and Ngora – Radio Continental FM, Contact Mr. Odongo on 0774452139

Katakwi – Odiis Studio, Contact Mr Okipi Odii on 0782699500

Amuria – Radio Savior FM, Contact Joseph on 0779220135

Lira and Lango – Voice of Lango FM, Contact Mr Ekotu Richard on 0392960687

Kaberemaido – Radio Dwanwa FM, Contact Miss Roselyn on 0779952353 or Mr Olego Michael on 0787415206

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